Tuesday 24 January 2017

Day Trip: Sweetheart Abbey

This ruins is deeply romantic even without the name. On the historic Scotland pass, the abbey is outwith the 'central belt' section of Scotland. We were in Dumfries and Rockcliffe and decided to visit the abbey. I do not know if it is worth making the trek unless you are already in the area but as old church connoisseurs, we enjoyed it.

Quick facts:

  • Distance from Edinburgh:  80 miles
  • Using public transport: 2 and a half hours
  • History: founded in the 1200's in memory of Lady Dervorgilla's husband, John Balliol, the abbey was named Dulce Cor. An order of Cistercian monks built it and lived there till the Reformation. The abbey is part of Historic Scotland.
  • What there is to do: stroll around the inside of the abbey, then go through the gate and walk around the beautiful fields but watch out for the clingy sheep!

the funniest part was that these sheep wouldn't stop following us around
the old wall which the monks built
there were beautiful flowers in the fields around

It is amazingly well preserved for a ruins

Other things in the area

there USED to be the Costume Museum in this lovely old ancestral home - but they closed it in 2011 or so! Luckily you can view a lot of the treasures of historical dress in the National Museum in Edinburgh now - but I do miss this quaint old house

This old mill with a working water wheel
beautiful beaches - do not be put off by names like Rockcliffe!

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