Tuesday 28 June 2016

Baby Lotion Homemade Play Dough

I love storage space and there always seems to be a bottle or bag of something that never gets used at the back of the cupboard. For us, it's Johnson's Baby Lotion. It smells great but we find it dries out the children's skin so I don't really use it except for stubborn diaper changes. I don't want to throw it out but at this rate we'll never get through the two bottles we own.

My main problem with homemade play dough is if it's the normal salt dough recipe it's awfully scritchy-scratchy to work with. That's where Johnson's baby lotion comes in!

See also my post about Seasoning Packet Play Dough.

Recipe for Baby Lotion Homemade Play Dough:

  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup baby lotion (more if you want a wetter dough)
  • any glitter or food coloring you would like

Bake at 250 F or 120 C for an hour or two till hard. It smells great in the oven too!

Our boys love the consistency of baby lotion homemade dough! 

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